Essentials of understanding art

The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional powers is the general definition of art. There stands a multitude of different genres and types of art which emerges from the minds of the maker. There are many forms of art whose basic philosophy and primary focus would be to give the audience or observer a basic visual stimulation or visual pleasure. However, many art forms exist which offer a broader spectrum of interpretation to them. Many of such art are symbolic in nature and require a deeper understanding of things for their specific interpretation. Art may also be directed towards a specific audience, just like the eye of providence or the symbolic illustration of Baphomet; both of whose exact philosophy are still being debated in today’s current world as both of those were directed towards the secret society and the freemasonry which intrigues the intelligentsia of academics and intellectuals both.

Art is often influenced by the situations, conditions and circumstances of the society and the environment of the time it was created. Though it may also be far more autobiographical or Avant-Garde in a sense that it reflects the character and personality of the creator without bringing much light to the extrinsic factors of the world. Art appreciation helps to open up the mindset of the people to holistic and comprehensive way of thinking which in turn helps them to understand the reality in a far better sense and perspective. Overall, art is all but an expression, or a rather illustrative mirroring of the creativity of the human mind which often times do not need to be of a specific nature like painting or sculpting, as it may be cooking, dancing and music as well. Art may be present in the very subtlest of the subtle in nature only to be exposed and be noticed by the ones who truly pay heed. Even simple names may have a deeper sophisticated meaning associated with them in addition to the philosophies attributed to them, like the name “the weeping butterfly”; in view, a simple name yet hiding behind the very veneer of simplicity only to be deciphered by the visage of the witful. 

       - the weeping butterfly


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