Breaking Stereotypes Through Art

Art is not essential until its not. A simple yet very powerful emotion. An emotion that can turn wars into revolution, depressions into thoughts and the abstract into visible. All these suggest one simple thing and that is, art ,in itself has the capability to survive despite the fragility of time. And for something that has eternalised itself, it is obvious that it has been marked with criticism but emerged above the shallow boundaries of stereotypes.
Going in depth of breaking the stereotypes, artists have portrayed their art as a platform to express themselves. Its always a persons’ depth that brings forwards a splash of newness over the orthodoxia of society and such part had been played by artist all over the world at different ages and times. 
For example , female artists such as Frida Kahlo, Mary Cassatt, and Georgia O'Keeffe challenged gender stereotypes by creating powerful works of art that gave out the idea of women being phenomenal and not merely an subject of nude art as mostly portrayed by male artist of that era. 
Artists like Jean-Michel Basquiat and Kara Walker have challenged racial stereotypes through their work. Basquiat's paintings often depicted black culture and history, while Walker's artwork often confronts racial stereotypes and oppression. 
LGBT artists such as Keith Haring and David Wojnarowicz were influential in breaking down stereotypes around sexuality and gender. Their artwork explored themes of sexuality and identity, and helped to increase visibility and acceptance for LGBT individuals.
Artists like Frida Kahlo and Chuck Close have challenged stereotypes around disability. Kahlo's artwork often explored her physical and emotional pain after a devastating accident, while Close's work celebrates the beauty and uniqueness of individuals with disabilities.
Lastly coming to Vincent Van who challenged stereotypes around mental illness. Despite struggling with mental health issues throughout his life, he created some of the most iconic works of art in history, and his legacy continues to inspire artists and individuals today.
These are some famous names but art is for the ordinary. Anyone who can act on breaking free from shackles that restrict the mind and society is an artist and numerous such examples are found in nooks and corners of earth, whether it’s a protest by wall paintings or children making posters for saving trees, whether its nude women going down the road or men flaunting their sexual orientation. 
Art is free, art is freedom, art is giving and art is a language. A language spoken by few and understood by even less but a language that never got or never will get extinguished from the face of earth as long as that one free mind remains.

~Sohini Naskar 


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